Microcosm — A Community in Flight

Would it really take an alien threat to gel us all together?

2 min readFeb 16, 2021
Photo by Author

Community. A sense of community. It sounds vague, but for all you travelers, I will explain it in terms of Aviation, because, that’s all I know!

Picture this: You’re at the airport. You see hundreds of faces. By the time you board your flight, you see some familiar faces. Does that not give you a sense of community? Like you’ve known them your entire life?

You start thinking. What made this person and myself assembled here at the same time. What decisions brought us all here together on this flight? What’s their life story?

You start developing crushes. You start making up scenarios, like, in an emergency landing, who would you save first — the old lady or the crying baby?

Who would you hinder? The turd who’s rude to the flight attendants or the guy who clogs the toilet?

It’s literally a microcosm — A community in the airplane, in-flight!

That highlights an important point, in my opinion. When you have this sense of “being in it together”, you tend to move along just fine. Unless there is conflict — that lady putting her feet on your armrest or the guy reclining his seat too far and invading your personal space. Then it’s all anarchy!

You start thinking up revenge and how to get back at them, and by the time chaos ensues, the captain tells you to wear your seatbelts when we’re landing and the flight’s coming to an end.

Why am I talking about this?

The way we act in flight, says a lot about us as a person. Yes, your comfort is important, but so is caring for the passenger beside you, the passenger in front of you and behind you. We’re all in this together, right?

Would it really take an alien threat to gel us all together? I don’t know, but in the meantime, just be kind to one another!

I did not want to come across rant-y in this write-up, but I wanted to highlight the importance of community, especially during a global pandemic.

Did that make sense at all?




Aerospace Engineer (Boeing 777X) / Content Creator / Teacher